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Hurtado, D. Carolina M., S. Serbout, and C. Pautasso, "Mining Security Documentation Practices in OpenAPI Descriptions", 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), Odense, Denmark, March, 2025.
Serbout, S., and C. Pautasso, "How Many Web APIs Evolve Following Semantic Versioning?", 24th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Tampere, Finland, Springer, June, 2024.  (890.38 KB)
Serbout, S., and C. Pautasso, "OAS2Tree: Visual API-First Design", 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Luxembourg, Springer, September, 2024.  (588.86 KB)
Serbout, S., and C. Pautasso, "An empirical study of Web API versioning practices", 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE), Alicante, Spain, Springer, June, 2023.  (519.6 KB)
Serbout, S., C. Pautasso, and U. Zdun, "How Composable is the Web? An Empirical Study on OpenAPI Data model Compatibility", IEEE World Congress on Services (ICWS Symposium on Services for Machine Learning), Barcelona, Spain, IEEE, pp. 415-424, July, 2022.
Malki, A. El, U. Zdun, and C. Pautasso, "Impact of API Rate Limit on Reliability of Microservices- Based Architectures", 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2022), San Francisco, USA, IEEE, August, 2022.
Di Lauro, F., S. Serbout, and C. Pautasso, "To deprecate or to simply drop operations? An empirical study on the evolution of a large OpenAPI collection", 16th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), vol. 13444, Prague, Czech Republic, Springer, pp. 38-46, September, 2022.
Serbout, S., F. Di Lauro, and C. Pautasso, "Web APIs Structures and Data Models Analysis", 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2022), Honululu, Hawaii, IEEE, March, 2022.  (1.81 MB)