On the Web Platform Cornucopia

TitleOn the Web Platform Cornucopia
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMikkonen, T., C. Pautasso, K. Systa, and A. Taivalsaari
Conference Name19th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2019)
Conference LocationDaejeon, Korea
KeywordsWeb Engineering; Web Platform

The evolution of the Web browser has been organic, with new features introduced on a pragmatic basis rather than following a clear rational design. This evolution has resulted in a cornucopia of overlapping features and redundant choices for developing Web applications. These choices include multiple architecture and rendering models, different communication primitives and protocols, and a variety of local storage mechanisms. In this position paper we examine the underlying reasons for this historic evolution. We argue that without a sound engineering approach and some fundamental rethinking there will be a growing risk that the Web may no longer be a viable, open software platform in the long run.

Citation Key2019:icwe:cornucopia
Refereed DesignationRefereed